Renaissance Selfie at the Art Car Boot Fair 2023
#RenaissanceSelfie returns to the brilliant Art Car Boot Fair!!
Join us in our little gazebo for the make over of another lifetime- we will weave our Renaissance magic using every day objects, pillow cases, travel pillows, paper napkins to create beautiful Renaissance style portraits for you to keep. Discover your Renaissance Self!
Saturday 16 September 12-6pm
Line up and info to be announced here:
More info and festival tickets here
The History of #RenaissanceSelfie
While on holiday in Italy, having overdosed on Italian Renaissance paintings, Anne the Co-Director of London Drawing whiled away a wet evening messing about taking self portrait photographs in the Renaissance style using what she had around her- an embroidered bedspread, sun visor and pillowcase. When she got back we were asked by the Wellcome Trust to develop activites inspired by themes in the fabulous Reading Room. One of the themes was ‘Face’ and having looked through a Cindy Sherman book in the section she showed the curator her holiday portraits- the rest is history….