We are delighted to offer a range of exciting and interactive online classes and workshops via Zoom.
Engaging and hands-on sessions with professional models and tutors, all designed to provide an informative, creative, accessible experience for participants at home. All classes are tutor led and can be attended from anywhere in the world, with many classes involving international models and tutors.
Life Drawing and Portrait classes have set price tickets.
Contribution based classes are open access and contribution based. All contributions go towards running our open access online sessions.
We offer the following online classes:
– Life Drawing Online Classes, book here
Tutor-led classes with superb national and international models.
Interactive, exciting and engaging sessions with professional models and tutors, all designed to provide an informative, creative, accessible experience for participants anywhere in the world.
– Portrait Online Classes, book here
“The best thing on Zoom” cinematic and performative tutor-led sessions.
– Mindful Still Life Online Classes, book here
Find your peaceful place, guided online drawing sessions via Zoom.
We run two Mindful Still Life sessions every Monday with London Drawing Tutor and artist Susannah Pal
– Special Online Events, currently no dates available – watch this space for events
One-off, immersive, interactive, tutor-led online events.
Bespoke one-off immersive online drawing events. These courses are ideal for all levels of ability with practical demonstrations, one to one assistance for beginners and advice for those with more experience ? you can take the class to your own level.
– Online Courses, book here
Bespoke, weekly, short term, creative online courses.
Engaging sessions with professional models and tutors, all designed to provide informative, personal and specific detailed tuition for participants at home.